WHO Poll

Sydney_Iron 12:03 Thu Jul 27
Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
No surprise as to who the winner is? And by a fair margin! hahahahahahaha, 2nd and 3rd are also no real shock.

West Ham do make the top 10 though................


10. West Ham United (2.7 per cent)
9. Newcastle United (3.7 per cent)
8. Leeds United (4.2 per cent)
7. Aston Villa (4.5 per cent)
6. Manchester City (5.8 per cent)
5. Chelsea (7.5 per cent)
4. Manchester United (8.8 per cent)
3. Tottenham Hotspur (11 per cent)
2. Liverpool (13 per cent)
1. Arsenal (22.5 per cent)

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ironsofcanada 4:02 Fri Jul 28
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Manuel 6:49 Thu Jul 27

Deluded just means believing things that are not true, your delusions don't neccesarily need to be positive.

paulon 3:57 Fri Jul 28
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Stevethehammer 5:03 Thu Jul 27

Correct. Tottenham of the north

Long Lost 3:33 Fri Jul 28
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
I reckon we’re on there because of the Massive song. Can’t really think of anything else.

WHU(Exeter) 12:08 Fri Jul 28
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Arsene, indeed.

Spurs have won the league as many times as Derby County and Portsmouth, once more than Ipswich Town.

Yet if you were new to the game and went largely by what the media spouted (let alone their fans), you'd be forgiven for thinking they won it every other year or so.

Northern Sold 10:44 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Gooners by a country mile last few seasons... they are proper through the slips deluded

BillC79 10:41 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
I reckon we’re on there as the people looking from the outside in see us wanting to sack Moyes after a Trophy and two top 7 finishes.

Surprised Spurs aren’t number 1

arsene york-hunt 9:16 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
How big the club is is a massive issue with the yi... I mean spurs. Just point to the fact that we have bigger home crowds than them and they go berserk. My favourite fun fact about spurs is when they say we've never won the league, but anyone who remembers them winning it that must have been on an OAP's bus pass for at least 15 years.

West Ham fans expect nothing and that's what we usually get. So we can't be deluded.

Manuel 6:49 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
No way are we deluded, many of our fanbase are predicting relegation this season.

Stevethehammer 6:43 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
The phrase I hate most is from the yids who say its West ham's cup final whenever we play them. We win and they don't care, we aren't their rivals, lose to them and you don't hear the last of it.
I always response with how can it be a cup final when we have played you home and away for the past 10+ years in the league have played in the actual cups and have won against them, yet because they are such a big club, West ham see it as a cup final.
It comes across as proper weird, but even better when we do win and winning that final in Prague was magical to see the look on their faces. It might be a tinpot cup but still one they haven't won and didn't take seriously when they were in it.

BRANDED 6:37 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
I had a brief conversation with a Man U supporter up in Chester at the weekend and he was trying to explain why they were the biggest club. I said all of his reasons may well be true but most of us really don't give a flying fuck.

I think our only version of that is we won the World Cup.

mashed in maryland 6:16 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Few years ago it would have been Spurs, but they know everyone hates them now.

Toss up between Arsenal and Liverpool.

Arsenal because they literally know nothing about football, every single one of them without exception. Seriously you will never meet an Arsenal fan who even knows the basics of their own club (ask them who their number 9 is they'll get it wrong)

Liverpool because they're still convinced everyone loves them and shares their enjoyment when they win and nothing convinces them otherwise. Try changing the subject they'll change it back. Tell them you don't care they won't listen. They just don't stop

WHU(Exeter) 5:54 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Steady - 12:29 Thu Jul 27

same, I'd put them one and two.

Admiral Lard 5:52 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
As Chelsea, Citteh, United and Liverpool have all won the CL this century not sure how they are deluded.

Tottenham, on the other hand, has the worst case of "small man's" syndrome in living history

RBshorty 5:40 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
That top four is bang on. Just wrong order.
4 The Arse.
3 Plastic Manc.
2 The POOL.!
1 N17.

The Rent Boys get a pass because they ain’t got that many fans. And you want deluded. Just wait for the TOON to catch up with the other lot.

Mad Dog 5:34 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
I'd have had sp*rs a clear number 1
Then gooners
Mancs and bin dippers
Then everton

El Scorchio 5:23 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Jim79 3:44

Completely agree. How can they possibly be deluded? They can win everything while playing fantastic football, buy the world's best players blah blah.

Stevethehammer 5:03 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
Everton fans are by the most deluded.
You listen to talkshit and they phone in crying and squeaking, we are the best fans in the worlddd blah blah blah, yet try to drive Kenwright out and they say their chairman is the biggest wanker out there. Yet when we go on the radio bemoaning our problems and the way Sullivan has sold this club down the river, we are told to put up and shut up. Everton fans go on like they deserve cups, leagues etc.
Big club in the 80s but are beginning to stink the Premier league out and I personally wanted to see them go down last season and I am really hoping they go down this season, 1) because I think they are the most deluded cunts out there and 2) it would mean just two places are up for grabs.

scott_d 4:17 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
No surprise to see Spurs and Liverpool in the top 3.

Worst of the worst.

twoleftfeet 3:59 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
If the researchers saw this site we would be top of that league.

Jim79 3:44 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
How can ManCity be deluded? they win everything so the only way they could be in any way deluded is if their fans believed they would lose.

I struggle to see how you could hear a City fan talking his side up and saying we're gonna win this and we're gonna win that and class them as deluded, honest yes, deluded no.

Fifth Column 12:37 Thu Jul 27
Re: Which Premier League Club Has The 'Most Deluded' Fanbase
I'm actually surprised by that because this survey was taken before March 2022.

I'd say it's really only since around January this year they suddenly seemed to lose all hold on reality.

And to be fair a lot of that is their fans from India and Africa on social media. I don't personally know any of their fans who are like that in real life. Spurs on the other hand are as deluded in real life as on the internet.

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